Specialities & Services
At O.T. Etc, we specialize in pediatrics occupational therapy. Some common diagnostic categories include: Feeding aversion and oral motor/oral sensitivities; Developmental delays; Sensory integration dysfunction; William's Syndrome, Fragile X, Down's Syndrome, etc; Aspergers Autistic Spectrum Disorders (PDD) Explore below to learn more about our unique offerings, focus areas, & special programs!
Special Programs
Please explore some of our highlighted special programs.
Feeding, Food, and More!

Feeding evaluations and treatment sessions by our trained Occupational Therapists can include:
- Implementation of research based approach (s) can be used including SOS, AEIOU, “Get Permission Approach”, and any combination.
- Oral motor techniques involving Beckman exercises, Z-vibes, nuk brushes, tic tongs
- Goal and objectives are a part of the therapeutic intervention between parent, child and therapist.
- Practice in the clinic, with follow/up suggestions for at home is essential
- Parents bring food from home, sometimes even bringing own cups and plates to ensure success.
- Many tools may be used, including special spoons, forks, plates, and straws.
- Messy play is also encouraged for children who avoid touch and/or have texture issues.
There are also several resources often referred to, including:
Areas of Clinical Specialty
At O.T. Etc, Inc. we known for several highlighted areas of Occupational Therapy expertise. This areas include, but are not limited to: Sensory Integration techniques; Sensory Diets and home programs; ADL (activities of daily living) training such as dressing, self-care, feeding, and utensil use to name a few; Interactive Metronome (IM); Therapeutic Listening; "Handwriting Without Tears;" and, Upper body and fine motor strengthening.
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We are truly honored to be able to be such a long standing member of the San Diego community; caring for our kids and our families all these many years. If you have any cause of inquiry or concern, please click on the button below.