About OT ETC.

Some of the conditions we treat:
- Sensory Integration (Sensory diet, home programs, etc with be on the specialty page)
- ADL training (dressing, self care will be on the specialty page)
- IMĀ (more in depth on the specialty page)
- Auditory TrainingĀ (we will define Therapeutic Listening on the specialty page)
- Hand writing (HWT will be defined and described on the specialty page)
- Upper body and fine motor strength
- Feeding (oral motor techniques, feeding techniques will be more in depth on the specialty page)
We specialize in pediatrics, accepting most children up to 13 years of age. Some common diagnostic categories include:
- Feeding aversion and oral motor/oral sensitivities.
- Developmental delays.
- Sensory integration dysfunction.
- William’s Syndrome, Fragile X, Down’s Syndrome, etc.
- Aspergers
- Autistic Spectrum Disorders (PDD)